Treasury bills maturing later this month and in early November rose above 30 basis points, their highest level since late 2008 when the Federal Reserve adopted a zero interest rate policy and anchored short-term interest rates. 本月晚些时候和11月初到期的美国短期国债的收益率升至30基点上方,这是自2008年末美联储(FederalReserve)出台零利率政策、锚定短期利率以来的最高水平。
This week, Mr. Zhou announced that interest rate policy would be fully liberalized in one to two years and that a fully floating, convertible yuan wouldn't be far behind. 本周,周小川宣布利率将在两年内完全放开,人民币距离自由浮动和完全可兑换也不远了。
As the central bank, the people's Bank of China will timely study the interest rate policy in line with the changes in the domestic macro-economy and maintain the interest rates at an appropriate level. 作为中央银行,我们将根据国内宏观经济的变化及时研究利率政策,并使它处于一个适当的水平。
True, the Fed's zero interest rate policy has kept the yield curve steep. 的确,美联储的零利率政策使得收益率曲线保持陡峭。
Second, the zero interest rate policy has a risk not acknowledged by the Fed: the creation of another bubble. 其次,零利率政策有着美联储并不承认的风险:制造另一个泡沫。
Time Lag of Interest Rate Policy in China Based on the New Annual Data and Monthly Data 我国利率政策调控的时滞效应研究&基于交叉数据的实证检验
At the time, BoJ officials faced intense pressure from politicians and markets to boost growth; so they were duly implementing quantitative easing or their zero interest rate policy. 当时,日本央行官员面临着来自政界人士和市场的巨大压力,要求他们推动经济增长;于是,他们适时实施了量化宽松政策&即日本的零利率政策(Zirp)。
Obstructive Factors and Countermeasures of Interest Rate Policy under the Conditions of Open Policy of China 我国开放经济条件下利率政策阻滞因素及对策
The main policy conclusion I would draw is that central banks should complete as soon as possible the withdrawal of stimulus administered this century and move to a neutral interest rate policy. 我得出的主要政策结论,是各国央行应尽快取消自2000年以来实施的经济刺激措施,转向一种中性的利率政策。
Both developments will encourage investors to take more risk in their portfolios as interest rate policy lags. 由于利率政策的滞后,这两个因素将促使投资者在投资组合上冒更大风险。
A study on the transmission mechanism of interest rate policy on balance of payments 关于利率政策对国际收支影响传导机制的研究
The Econometric Test of the Effectiveness behind the Interest Rate Policy Tools in the Context of China's Macro-control 我国宏观调控利率政策工具滞后有效性计量检验
Then, second, the artificial low interest rate policy implemented during that period has accomplished an obvious rent effect. 另一方面,该时期实施的人为低利率政策取得了明显的租金效果。
Secondly, depository reserve as a monetary policy instrument shares similar changes with interest rate policy. 其次,作为货币工具的存款准备与利率政策做相似的转变。
Interest rate policy was an alibi for overdue economy measures. 利率政策成了迟未采取经济措施的借口。
Mugur Isarescu, governor of the Central Bank of Romania, said his institution would be prepared to use a range of instruments to support the Leu, including interest rate policy, moral suasion and minimum reserve requirements. 罗马尼亚央行行长穆古尔伊萨雷斯库(mugurisarescu)表示,他的机构将准备用一系列工具来支持列伊,其中包括利率政策、道义劝告和最低准备金率等。
In fact, if in different macro-economic context of low interest rate policy study, the results are different. 事实上,如果在不同的宏观经济背景下的低利率政策的研究,其结果是不同的。
Considering the current recovery in economic activity, it is not at all clear that the US Federal Reserve's interest rate policy has been all that constrained. 考虑到当前经济活动的复苏,美联储(Fed)的利率政策看上去并没有那么受限。
It is the first time a large central bank has ever tied its interest rate policy directly to the state of the economy. 一家大型央行将利率政策直接与经济状况挂钩,这在历史上尚属首次。
That worry was flagged up by the US Federal Reserve last week when it added international developments to a list of swing factors informing its interest rate policy. 上周,美联储(Fed)指出了这一担忧,将国际动态加入了影响其利率政策的因素清单。
The European Central Bank plans to revamp its system for guiding interest rate policy to take better account of credit and money supply data, as well as threats posed by asset price bubbles. 欧洲央行(ecb)计划修改其指导利率政策的机制,以便更充分地考虑到信贷和货币供给数据,以及资产价格泡沫构成的威胁。
The central banks of the US, Eurozone and UK meet this week to consider interest rate policy in the face of slowing growth and rising inflation, caused in part by soaring oil prices. 美国、欧元区和英国的央行本周都将开会讨论利率政策,目前它们面对的经济增长放缓和通胀上涨,在一定程度上都是油价飙升引起的。
The CBI had mishandled its interest rate policy and the foreign exchange markets since early 2008. 自2008年初以来,冰岛央行对利率政策和外汇市场的处理不力。
The empirical tests on the real estate bubble of fictitious economic determinism include real estate prices and monetary policy, interest rate policy, credit and price fluctuations. 对房地产泡沫的虚拟经济决定论的实证检验包括:房地产价格与货币政策、利率政策、信贷波动及股价各自之间的相关检验。
Speculation on real estate heated up when Federal Reserve System ( chaired by Alan Greenspan) implemented the low interest rate policy in2001 as an anti-recession stimulant. 美国联邦储备系统(由格林斯潘主持)在2001年实施的反经济衰退的低利率政策,使房地产投机活动升温。
The Taylor rule, which relates monetary policy to inflation and movements in the output gap, suggests interest rate policy is too loose in China, South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand. 泰勒规则(TaylorRule)显示,中国、韩国、马来西亚、台湾以及泰国的利率政策过于宽松。这一规则将货币政策与通胀及产出缺口的变动挂钩。
If we stick to the zero interest rate policy for too long, we risk a degree of economic instability much more extreme and costly than the recent financial crisis. 如果我们维持零利率政策过久,那么未来经济不稳定的程度就有可能比最近的金融危机极端得多,代价也更高。
That is: monetary ease must return to normal interest rate policy; discretionary fiscal stimulus must shift to putting government budgets on a sustainable path; banks 'guarantees, and state-ownership stakes, must be withdrawn. 宽松货币政策必须回归正常的利率政策;相机抉择的财政刺激必须转向让政府预算走上可持续道路的政策;银行担保和政府股权必须退出。
Under the Pegged Exchange Rate the Plight of China's Interest Rate Policy 钉住汇率下中国利率政策的困境:理论与经验
It is worth adding that it is the capital adequacy regime, and not primarily interest rate policy, which needs to be responsive to asset-price bubbles. 值得补充的是,需要对资产价格泡沫作出反应的,是资本充足率机制,而不能主要依靠利率政策。